
How to change background in imovie without green screen imovie
How to change background in imovie without green screen imovie

how to change background in imovie without green screen imovie

If the frame below the playhead isn’t representative of the rest of the clip, reposition the playhead and reapply the effect.

how to change background in imovie without green screen imovie

The color that iMovie removes is based on the dominant color in the frame at the position of the playhead when you choose Green/Blue Screen from the pop-up menu. 2: Scroll the timeline so like that playhead goes over the background clip. Because the clips are connected, the two clips move together if you rearrange clips in the timeline. 1: of course add the green screened photo over what you want in the green space. In the viewer, iMovie removes the green or blue from the green-screen clip to reveal the background clip behind your subject.

  • If the video overlay controls aren’t shown, click the Video Overlay Settings button above the viewer, then choose Green/Blue Screen from the pop-up menu.
  • Edit your video details on the following screen and then tap Next to start changing your GIF to a video file. iMovie is a free video editing application made by Apple for the Mac, the iPhone, and the iPad. Drag it to the timeline and then navigate to File > Share > File. Because the clips are connected, the two clips move together when you rearrange clips in the timeline. Open iMovie and then go to File > Import Media to upload your GIF file.
  • Trim and move the background video clip to match the length of your green-screen clip.
  • how to change background in imovie without green screen imovie

  • Add the green-screen clip above the background clip in the timeline.
  • 1 If iMovie isnt in the Dock, you can click Spotlight, type in imovie, and double-click iMovie when it appears. You should have this icon in your Macs Dock.
  • With your project open, add the background video clip or still image to the timeline. Click the iMovie app icon, which resembles a white video camera and star on a purple background.

  • How to change background in imovie without green screen imovie